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Showing posts from September, 2017

PKI (SSL) connection setup of client MQ and IIB tooling - Rfhutil

  This series of walk-throughs is intended to provide some guidance to developers to set up their client tooling connections, by means of example, where PKI (public key infrastructure) is employed with MQ and IIB endpoints. PKI is generally used to distinguish an SSL infrastructure from an environment where self-signed certificates are employed as personal certificates. Self-signed certificates are a quick and easy way for a developer to practice with some of the SSL aspects of their code, but are not recommended for a full Development environment and certainly not for Production. Why would one employ PKI in a Development environment? The simple answer is that there are differences and the sooner those differences are got to grips with in the development cycle the more rapid and successful the adoption of PKI will be. Following that preamble, I should add that the details of how to build and manage PKI are detailed elsewhere. (Management being far more the tric

HermesJMS connecting to MQ 8+

I have naturally looked over a number of blogs and forums on this subject whilst attempting to set this up, but I have yet to see a complete set of instructions. There always seems to be a corner cut somewhere. Naturally, I don't want to bunk this trend, but hopefully, I will cut one or two less corners. Having said that, I do not intend to cover MQ or HemesJMS (nor indeed any of the other topics that arise, such as PKI/SSL) in any more depth than is required to specifically set up their connections. I am happy to cover these (with the exception of HermesJMS, which I know little of) in later posts. Happy reading! ... First of all, I did this within SoapUI 5.3 with the embedded HermesJMS. This was a Windows install of SoapUI, but I expect both the SoapUI and HermesJMS specific instructions will translate fairly well on to UNIX. Secondly, in the spirit of my opening paragraph I am going to do this over SSL. I will use server authentication only (and not mutual au